FREEBOOKS Editora التطبيقات

Hand-Drawn Camera PRO
Hand-Drawn CameraAll of the images and videos you see here were taken using theapp. This is the best and most realistic sketch and cartooncreating app available on Google Play. Download it and check itout.Create hand-drawn and comic book looking PHOTOS and VIDEOS inREAL TIME with your camera! Publish it on Youtube, Facebook,Twitter... wherever you want.Transform any photo, image or video you ever recorded into asketch, comic book, or japanese manga like work of art.Record videos and apply cool visual effects to it in real time!Unlike other apps that try to let you record videos in real time,Hand-Drawn Camera lets you choose the resolution of the video, sothat even low-end devices can record videos in real-time. The morepowerful your device is, the better the video quality will be.Record videos in high-definition using your camera and postprocess it into a high-definition hand-drawn cartoon like video.Any device can do it, not just high-end devices. The more powerfulyour device is, the faster the video will be processed.You can adjust the thickness of the pencil's strokes whilerecording a video or taking a photo, making a minimalist drawing ora more detailed image.You can create colored or black and white drawings.Enable or disable flash while recording your videos or takingphotos. You can even enable flash to use the app as a lantern:-)The app is installed on the SD Card (if it's available), and thevideos are also saved to the external memory in order to save spaceon the internal memory of your device.The videos are recorded on mp4, and any android device should beable to play it without any problems. If you ever have any troubleplaying the videos, install MX Player. It's the best video playerfor android and it's FREE.CURRENTLY WORKING ON:+ More filters (any suggestion is greatly appreciated)+ Localization to other countriesTips+ Pictures and Videos are stored on the SD card, inside thefolder "HandDrawnCamera"+ If the recording does not run smoothly try lowering the videoresolution+ Some effects require a device with high processing power tocreate videos with a high FPS rate. Any device can record videos inreal time, but lower end devices will get low FPS rates. To postprocess a video and apply an effect to it, the device's processingpower will affect the amount of time necessary to do it.+ You can also play the recorded videos on a PC/MAC. The videosare recorded on standard mp4 format, and any video player must beable to play it.The video recording is done using FFmpeg. It's licensed under theLGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded Drawn Camera
The Great Gatsby 2.0
The Complete Book, 1st Edition 1925 - FREE--------------------------------------- The Great Gatsby is a novelby American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book takes place fromspring to autumn 1922, during a prosperous time in the UnitedStates known as the Roaring Twenties, which lasted from 1920 untilthe Wall Street Crash of 1929. Between 1920 and 1933, theEighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, commonlyknown as Prohibition, completely banned the sale and manufacturingof all alcoholic beverages: distilled spirits, beer, and wine. Theban made millionaires out of bootleggers, who smuggled alcohol intothe U.S.. The setting of the novel contributed greatly to itspopularity following its early release, but the book did notreceive widespread attention until after Fitzgerald's death in1940, when republishings in 1945 and 1953 quickly found a widereadership. Today the book is widely regarded as a "Great AmericanNovel" and a literary classic. The Modern Library named it thesecond best English-language novel of the 20th Century.---------------------- Looking for ebooks? Look my other classicbooks published on Google PLay.
Lois et Règlements PRO 3.0
Version PRO de l'application Lois etreglements. Sur la version PRO pas encore d'annonces sontaffichées.--------------------Lois inclus dans l'application:Code civilCode de CommerceCode de la routeCode de l'environnementCode de Procédure CivileCode de Procédure PénaleCode du travailCode du travail applicable à MayotteCode Général des ImpôtsCode PénalPlus les lois seront inclus fréquemment. Les utilisateurspeuvent demander des nouvelles lois pour être inclus dansl'application.Toucher un article pour marquer le texte. Excellent pour lesétudiants en droit, des avocats, et tout citoyen qui veut savoir àpropos de la loi.L'application est installée sur la carte SD pour économiser dela mémoire.----------------------------------------------------Code civilCode de CommerceCode de la routeCode de lenvironnementCode de Procedure CivileCode de Procedure PenaleCode du travailCode du travail applicable a MayotteCode General des ImpotsCode PenalDroit Français, Lois et Reglements Francais PRO - French Lawsand Regulations, Legislations, Legifrance, LégifrancePRO version of theStatutes and regulations enforcement. In the PRO version no ads aredisplayed.--------------------Laws included in the application:Civil CodeCommercial CodeHTAEnvironmental CodeCode of Civil ProcedureCode of Criminal ProcedureLabour CodeApplicable labor code MayotteGeneral Tax CodePenal CodeMore laws are frequently included. Users can ask for new laws tobe included in the application.Touch an item to mark the text. Great for law students, lawyers,and any citizen who wants to know about the law.The application is installed on the SD card to save memory.-------------------------------------------------- -Civil CodeCommercial CodeHTACode of the environmentCode of Civil ProcedureCode of Penal ProcedureLabour CodeLabour Code applicable to MayotteGeneral Tax CodePenal CodeFrench Law, Laws and Regulations PRO French - English Laws andRegulations, Legislations, Legifrance Lgifrance
How to Attract Money - DONATE 2.0
The complete book-------------------------------Edward E. Beals was one of the first people to write about theLaw of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secretthat one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attractwealth, health, and happiness, he already knew it.What everybody wants in life is success - and that often, if notalways, includes financial independence.No matter what a person wants to achieve, a lack of money willbe a constant obstacle.But how do you draw money into your life? Is there a way to doit consistently and easily?Is there really a fundamental and natural law of wealth which,once discovered, understood and practiced, will enable you toprosper in financial abundance beyond your wildest dreams?Is monetary success just the operation of mere luck, chance oraccident - or is there something more precise and deliberate goingon that most of us have not noticed?Read The Law of Financial Success and find out for yourself.Although this book was written years ago, the text still soundsfresh and contemporary. The explanations of mental laws andprocesses are clear and concise and the exercises are simple andeffective.----------------------------------Looking for ebooks? Check out the other classic books wepublished on Google Play.
Código de Processo Civil FREE 1.0
Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro completo100% GRÁTISCompilado. Constantemente atualizado.-----------------------------------A concorrência está postando comentários ruins nos nossos appspois eles são GRATUITOS e os deles são PAGOS. Baixe, teste e posteum comentário. Obrigado.-----------------------------------Muito útil para advogados, estudantes e concurseiros.Funções: Pesquisa por palavra e por artigo, retorna ao últimoponto de leitura, zoom in, zoom out, toque em um artigo ouparágrafo simula caneta marca-texto, totalmente GRATIS, FREECodigo de Processo Civil brasileiro otimizado para estudar paraconcursos públicos. Toque em um artigo ou parágrafo faz com que otexto fique destacado. Muito melhor e mais fácil do que estudar compapel e caneta. Experimente.------------------------Baixe já o VADE MECUM JURIDICO para concursos públicos FREE (omelhor e mais completo do Google Play, totalmente grátis). Pesquisepor "Leis para Concursos Públicos"------------------------Procurando por ebooks? Dê uma olhada nos outros livros clássicose material de estudos para concurso público que temos publicados noGoogle Play.Code of Civil ProcedureBrazilian full 100% FREECompiled. Constantly updated.-----------------------------------Competition is posting bad reviews on our apps as they are FREEand theirs are PAID. Download, test and post a comment. ThankU. -----------------------------------Very useful for lawyers, students and concurseiros.Functions: Search word and article returns to the last point ofreading, zoom in, zoom out, tap on an article or paragraphsimulates highlighter pen, totally FREE, FREEBrazilian Civil Procedure Code optimized to study for publictenders. Tap an article or paragraph makes the text is highlighted.Much better and easier than studying with pen and paper. Try.------------------------Download now Vade Mecum JURIDICO for tenders FREE (the best andmost complete Google Play, totally free). Search for "Law forPublic Procurement"------------------------Looking for ebooks? Take a look at the other classic books andstudy material for public tender that we live on Google Play.
The Law of Attraction DONATE 2.0
This is the DONATE version of the book Law ofAttraction. Buy this version if you want to help me publish otherclassic self improvement books here on Google Play. On the DONATEversion no ads are shown.-------------------------------The complete book-------------------------------William Walker Atkinson was an influential member of the NewThought movement. He was one of the first people to write about theLaw of Attraction.Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one'spositive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health,and happiness, Atkinson already knew it.In this New Thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law ofattraction in the thought world. He points out the similaritiesbetween the law of gravitation and the mental law of attraction. Heexplains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifestingas light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in thevibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrationscannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses.He argues that there are huge gaps in the spectrum of light andsound vibrations, wide enough to include other worlds. It islogical that these activities would be perceived by sense organsattuned to them. Increasingly sophisticated scientific instrumentsare able to register more and more of these hidden frequencies.There is constant interaction between negative and positivethought vibrations - it is the task of the individual to raise thekeynote of their mind to a positive pitch by an act of will.Atkinson discusses the purpose of affirmations as twofold: firstly,to establish new mental attitudes, secondly to raise the mentalkeynote. He also mentions that there must be a balance betweengiving out expressions and taking in impressions in a receptivestate.The many faculties of the mind are identified and discussed, andthe author asserts that the current of will-power flows stronglyalong spiritual wires but the individual must train in order tooptimally tap into this energy source. The "I" is the master of themind and the "will" is the instrument of the "I." Affirmations forinternalising this insight are provided here.Atkinson also shows how to overcome negative emotions like fear,worry, envy, anger and hate. He firmly believes in the operation ofuniversal law in all circumstances and advises the reader to tunein to the harmony of the law. I found the chapters Asserting TheLife Force and Training The Habit Mind particularly helpful andinspiring.Although this book was written years ago, the text still soundsfresh and contemporary. The explanations of mental laws andprocesses are clear and concise and the exercises are simple andeffective.----------------------------------Looking for ebooks? Check out the other classic books wepublished on Google Play.
This Side of Paradise - Ebook 1.0
The Complete Book, 1st Edition 1920 -FREE------------------------This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott FitzgeraldThis Side of Paradise is the debut novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald.Published in 1920, and taking its title from a line of the RupertBrooke poem Tiare Tahiti, the book examines the lives and moralityof post-World War I youth. Its protagonist, Amory Blaine, is anattractive Princeton University student who dabbles in literature.The novel explores the theme of love warped by greed andstatus-seeking.In the summer of 1919, after several years of courtship, ZeldaSayre broke up with the 22-year-old Fitzgerald. After a summer ofheavy alcohol use, he returned to St. Paul, Minnesota where hisfamily lived, to complete the novel, hoping that if he became asuccessful novelist he could win Zelda back. While at Princeton,Fitzgerald had written an unpublished novel called The RomanticEgotist and ultimately 80 pages of the typescript of this earlierwork ended up in This Side of Paradise.On September 4, 1919, Fitzgerald gave the manuscript to a friendto deliver to Maxwell Perkins, an editor at Charles Scribner's Sonsin New York. The book was nearly rejected by the editors atScribners, but Perkins insisted, and on September 16 it wasofficially accepted. Fitzgerald begged for earlypublication—convinced that he would become a celebrity and impressZelda—but was told that the novel would have to wait until thespring. Nevertheless, upon the acceptance of his novel forpublication he went and visited Zelda and they resumed theircourtship. His success imminent, she agreed to marry him.This Side of Paradise was published on March 26, 1920 with afirst printing of 3,000 copies. The initial printing sold out inthree days, confirming Fitzgerald's prediction of overnight fame.On March 30, four days after publication and one day after sellingout the first printing, Fitzgerald wired for Zelda to come to NewYork and get married that weekend. Barely a week after publication,Zelda and Scott married in New York on April 3, 1920.The book went through 12 printings in 1920 and 1921, for a totalof 49,075 copies. The novel itself did not provide a huge incomefor Fitzgerald. Copies sold for $1.75 for which he earned 10percent on the first 5,000 copies and 15 percent beyond that. Intotal, in 1920 he earned $6,200 from the book. Its success,however, helped the now-famous Fitzgerald earn much higher ratesfor his short stories.This Side of Paradise blends different styles of writing: attimes a fictional narrative, at times free verse, sometimesnarrative drama, interspersed with letters and poems from Amory. Infact the novel's odd blend of styles was the result of Fitzgeraldcobbling his earlier attempt at a novel The Romantic Egotisttogether with assorted short stories and poems that he composed,but never published.The book's critical success was driven in part by the enthusiasmof reviewers. Burton Rascoe of the Chicago Tribune wrote that "itbears the impress, it seems to me, of genius. It is the onlyadequate study that we have had of the contemporary American inadolescence and young manhood."[8] H. L. Mencken wrote that ThisSide of Paradise was the "best American novel that I have seen oflate."One reader who was not entirely pleased, however, was John GrierHibben, the President of Princeton University: "I cannot bear tothink that our young men are merely living four years in a countryclub and spending their lives wholly in a spirit of calculation andsnobbishness."----------------------Looking for ebooks? Look my other classic books published onGoogle PLay.
Evang Seg Esp - COLABORADOR 4.0
Esta é a versão de COLABORADOR do livro "O Evangelho Segundo oEspiritismo". Não são exibidos anúncios nesta versão. PAZ.------------------------------------------------- Esta app trás olivro completo base da doutrina espírita, sem necessidade dainstalação de nenhum outro programa para a leitura do ebook.------------------------------------------------- O EvangelhoSegundo o Espiritismo Com a explicação das máximas morais do Cristoem concordância com o Espiritismo e suas aplicações às diversascircunstâncias da vida por Allan Kardec Fé inabalável só é a quepode encarar frente a frente a razão, em todas as épocas daHumanidade. --------------------------------------------------Procurando e-book? Confira também meus outros ebooks.
Leis Concursos Públicos PRO 14.0
Esta é a versão PRO do Aplicativo "Leis paraConcursos Públicos". A versão PRO não possui propagandas, permite ainclusão de um número ilimitado de leis extras pelo usuário, nãopossui um limite de anotações que podem ser colocadas nas leis epermite o envio das leis com suas anotações e marcações por email,para continuar os estudos no PC, imprimir as leis anotadas ecompartilhar seu material de estudos com seus amigos.-----------------------------Estude para concursos públicos no seu celular ou tablet.Estude no ônibus, na fila do banco, onde você estiver.Carregar livros, montes de papéis e caneta é coisa do passado.Com esta app você tem acesso às leis mais comuns nos concursospúblicos do Brasil. Muito útil para advogados, estudantes econcurseiros.O toque em um artigo ou parágrafo faz com que o texto fiquedestacado, simulando caneta marca-texto.Insira anotações em qualquer ponto de uma lei, como se estivesseusando uma folha de papel. É a ferramenta perfeita para estudosjurídicos.Envie suas leis com suas anotações e marcações por email, paravocê ou para seus amigos, para continuar os estudos no PC ou atémesmo imprimir as leis anotadas em papel.Todas as leis incluídas na app podem ser atualizadas com o toquede um botão. Sempre que um usuário encontrar um bug, é só mandar umemail através da app que rapidamente ele é consertado.A app é instalada no sdcard (caso o seu dispositivo possua um),economizando memória interna.--------------------------Legislação incluída na App:- Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, comtodas as alterações. Texto compilado.- Código Civil, com todas as alterações. Texto compilado.- Código de Processo Civil, com todas as alterações. Textocompilado.- Código Penal, com todas as alterações. Texto compilado.- Código de Processo Penal, com todas as alterações. Textocompilado.- Regime Jurídico dos Servidores Públicos Civis da União, Lei 8112de 1990, com todas as alterações. Texto compilado.- Código Tributário Nacional, com todas as alterações.- Código de Defesa do Consumidor, com todas as alterações. Textocompilado.- Código de Trânsito Brasileiro, com todas as alterações. Textocompilado.- Lei das Licitações (Lei 8666 de 1993), com todas as alterações.Texto compilado.- Código Comercial Brasileiro, com todas as alterações. Textocompilado.- Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), com todas as alterações.Texto compilado.- Código Eleitoral.- Código Penal Militar.- Código de Procsso Penal Militar.- Estatuto da Advocacia e OAB.- Estatuto da Cidade.- Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.- Estatuto da Igualdade Racial.- Estatuto do Torcedor.- Estatuto do Desarmamento.- Estatuto do Estrangeiro.- Estatuto do Idoso.- Lei das Contravenções Penais.- Lei das S/A.- Lei de Abuso de Autoridade.- Lei de Introdução às normas do Direito Brasileiro.- Lei de Registros Públicos.- Lei de Tóxicos.- Lei dos Juizados Especiais Cíveis e Criminais.- CÓDIGO BRASILEIRO DE AERONÁUTICA.- CÓDIGO DE ÁGUAS.- CÓDIGO DE MINAS.- CÓDIGO FLORESTAL.- CÓDIGO BRASILEIRO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES.- ESTATUTO NACIONAL DA MICROEMPRESA E DA EMPRESA DE PEQUENOPORTE.- ESTATUTO DA TERRA.- ESTATUTO DOS MUSEUS.- ESTATUTO DOS MILITARES.- ESTATUTO DOS REFUGIADOS.- ESTATUTO DO ÍNDIO.Mais leis serão adicionadas constantemente.Pode perfeitamente ser usado como um Vade Mecum Jurídico paraestudantes, advogados e profissionais do direito.Funções: Pesquisa, retorna ao último ponto de leitura, zoom in,zoom out, toque em um artigo ou parágrafo simula canetamarca-textocodigo------------------------Procurando por ebooks? Dê uma olhada nos outros livrosclássicos, legislação e material de estudos para concurso públicoque temos publicados no Google Play.This is the PRO versionof Application "for Procurement Laws." The PRO version has no ads,allows the inclusion of an unlimited number of extra user-laws,does not have a limit of notes that can be placed in the laws andallows the sending of laws with their markings and annotations viaemail to continue studies PC, print and share your laws annotatedstudy material with your friends.-----------------------------Study for tenders on your phone or tablet.Study on the bus, in line at the bank where you are.Load books, piles of paper and pen is a thing of the past. Withthis app you have access to the most common laws in publicprocurement in Brazil. Very useful for lawyers, students andconcurseiros.The tap on an article or paragraph makes the text ishighlighted, simulating highlighter pen.Enter notes at any point of a law, as if using a sheet of paper.It is the perfect tool for legal studies.Submit your laws with their markings and annotations via emailto yourself or your friends, to continue studies on the PC or evenprint the annotated laws on paper.All laws included in the app can be updated at the touch of abutton. When a user finds a bug, just send an email through the appthat he is quickly repaired.The app is installed on your sdcard (if your device has one),saving memory.--------------------------Legislation included in the app:- Constitution of the Federal Republic of Brazil in 1988, withall changes. Text compiled.- Civil Code, with any changes. Text compiled.- Code of Civil Procedure, with any changes. Text compiled.- Criminal Code, with any changes. Text compiled.- Code of Criminal Procedure, with any changes. Textcompiled.- Legal Framework for Civil Servants Union, Law 8112 of 1990, withall changes. Text compiled.- National Tax Code, with any changes.- Code of Consumer Protection, with all the changes. Textcompiled.- Brazilian Traffic Code, with any changes. Text compiled.- Bidding Law (Law 8666 of 1993), with all the changes. Textcompiled.- Brazilian Commercial Code, with any changes. Text compiled.- Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), with all the changes. Textcompiled.- Electoral Code.- Military Penal Code.- Military Penal Code Procsso.- Statute of Advocacy and OAB.- City Statute.- Statute of Children and Adolescents.- Statute of Racial Equality.- Statute of the Fan.- Disarmament Statute.- Foreigner Statute.- Statute of the Elderly.- Criminal Law of Misdemeanor.- Law of S / A.- Law of Abuse of Authority.- Introductory Law to the standards of the Brazilian Law.- Public Records Law.- Poisons Act.- Law on Special Civil and Criminal Courts.- Brazilian Aeronautical Code.- CODE OF WATERS.- CODE OF MINES.- FOREST CODE.- CODE OF BRAZILIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS.- STATUS OF NATIONAL MICROENTERPRISE AND SMALL BUSINESS.- STATUS OF THE EARTH.- STATUS OF MUSEUMS.- STATUS OF MILITARY.- STATUS OF REFUGEES.- STATUS OF INDIAN.More laws will be added constantly.It can be perfectly used as a Legal Vade Mecum for students,lawyers and legal professionals.Features: Search, returns the last reading point, zoom in, zoomout, tap on an article or paragraph simulates highlighter pencode------------------------Looking for ebooks? Take a look at the other books classics, lawand media studies to tender we have posted on Google Play.
Gospel According to Spiritism 1.0
This app brings the complete book, onde of thebasic books of the spiritism doctrine. No other apps are needed toread this ebook. Completely FREE.--------------------------------------------------THE GOSPELACCORDING TO SPIRITISMby Allan KardecContains explanations of the moral maxims of Christ inaccordance with Spiritism and their application in variouscircumstances in life.Author of THE SPIRITS’ BOOKUnshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to facein every Human epoch.This English translation is taken from the 3rd edition of theoriginal French, as being the one containing all of Allan Kardec’sfinal revisions, published in 1866.The Gospel According to Spiritism (L'Évangile Selon leSpiritisme in French), by Allan Kardec is a book published in 1864that relates the teachings of Jesus to Kardecist Spiritism, themoral and religious philosophy that Kardec had been publishing. Itis intended to demonstrate that Spiritism clarifies and extends themost important teachings of Jesus. It is one of the fivefundamental works of Kardecist Spiritism.The book attracted a lot of reaction from the Catholic Churchand was indexed (added to the 'List of Prohibited Books'). Thefirst edition had been titled Imitation de l'Évangile (An Imitationof the Gospels), but the third, and definitive edition (1865) hadthe book renamed and profusely corrected (mostly typos or supposedmistakes in channeling), edited and expanded.-----------------------------Looking for ebooks? Check out my other classic books.
Livro dos Médiuns COLABORADOR 6.0
Esta é a versão de COLABORADOR do livro "OLivro dos Médiuns". Não são exibidos anúncios nesta versão.PAZ.--------------------------------------------------Esta app trás o livro completo base da doutrina espírita, semnecessidade da instalação de nenhum outro programa para a leiturado ebook.--------------------------------------------------O Livro dos MédiunsALLAN KARDECEspiritismo ExperimentalContendo os ensinamentos dos Espíritos sobre a teoria de todosos gêneros de manifestações, os meios de comunicação com o MundoInvisível, o desenvolvimento da mediunidade, as dificuldades e asescolhas que se podem encontrar na prática do Espiritismo.Em continuação de "O LIVRO DOS ESPÍRITOS".Mediuns, Mediums, Médiums--------------------------------------------------Procurando e-book? Confira também meus outros ebooks.This is the version ofthe book DEVELOPER "The Mediums' Book". Ads are not shown in thisversion. PEACE.--------------------------------------------------This app basis behind the book full of spiritual doctrine, withoutthe need of installing any other program for reading theebook.--------------------------------------------------The Mediums' BookAllan KardecExperimental SpiritualismContaining the teachings of spirits on the theory of all sortsof demonstrations, the media with the Unseen World, the developmentof mediumship, the difficulties and the choices that can be foundin the practice of Spiritualism.In continuation of "THE BOOK OF SPIRITS".Psychics, Mediums, Mediums--------------------------------------------------Looking eBook? Also check out my other ebooks.
Shake To Do Something FREE 2.1-STDSF
Just shake your phone to automatically:Turn your screen ON and OFFPlay and Pause your Mp3 PlayerGo to the Next SongGo to the Previous SongTurn your Led FLASHLIGHT on and offPut the phone in 'Silent Mode' (also no vibrate)Put the phone in 'Vibrate Mode' (no sound)Launch an App - Any app you wantRaise the VolumeLower the VolumeYou can set up to 3 different actions simultaneously. Each axisof movement (left right, up down, front back) can be set to fire adifferent action when the device is shaken. ON THE FREE VERSIONONLY ONE ACTION CAN BE SET, ON THE X AXIS.It will make your life easier. It will prevent damaging thephysical buttons of your device. Avoid breaking your power buttonby automating the lock unlock action with a shake.Automatically turn your flashlight on without having to unlockyour phone. Make it work as easily as a real lantern.Launch your favorite apps by simply shaking your phone, withouteven having to go back to your home screen.Silence your phone by simply shaking it. If you ever forget toput it in silent mode and it starts ringing, you can silence itinstantaneously without having to turn it's screen on, unlock itand access various menus.Control your media player without pressing any buttons. Shakeyour phone up and down to play pause; left and right to go to nextsong; you decide it.IT WILL NOT DRAIN YOUR BATTERYMy main focus is on not draining the battery, and it won't. Let itrun for a day and then check the app's battery consumption. Itshould be minimal (as opposed to other "Shake to do something" appsavailable on Google Play).On the PRO version:1 - you can set 3 different actions to be fired, one for everyaxis of movement, instead of the single one available on the FREEapp.2 - no ads are displayed.3 - the user can choose to start the app automatically after thedevice is turned on.4 - the app can be set to unlock the screen automatically when thescreen is turned back on.5 - the app can use the proximity sensor to avoid accidentallyfiring actions when the device is on a pocket, for instance.6 - The device can be set to vibrate every time an action isfired.UNINSTALLATIONDue to the fact that the app needs admin privileges to run, if youwant to uninstall it you must do it by clicking on the uninstallbutton inside the app.COMPATIBILITYUnfortunately, on some devices the app will not be able to fireactions when the user shakes the phone after the screen is turnedoff. It's a hardware limitation of these devices, and there isnothing that can be done on the software side to avoid it. Forinstance, I've tested the app on the 'LG Nexus 4' and it worksflawlessly; on the other hand, on the 'Samsung Galaxy Ace' theaccelerometer sensors are turned off the moment the screen goesoff. If that is the case on your device, please send me an email(there is a button on the app to do it) explaining what ishappening on your specific case.PERMISSIONSPrevent phone from sleeping - necessary to wake the phone up afterit's screen is turned off.Modify Audio Settings - necessary if the user wants to set thedevice to 'Silent' or 'Vibrate' ModeCamera - Necessary to turn the Flashlight on and off.Internet - Necessary to display ads (on the free versiononly).Disable Keyguard - necessary if the user wants the app to unlockthe device automatically when the screen is turned on.Icon based on an original design by Timo Arnall, licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution License. Acessible (on september 2013)at: you very much Timo.shake to lock shake to unlock shake to turn screen on shake toturn screen off battery economy save power button protect powerbutton shake to play shake to pause shake next song shake previoussong shake lantern shake torch shake flashlight shake flash lightshake silent shake vibrate
Volume Button Recorder FREE 3.0-VBRF
Press volume up or down tostartrecording.Press volume up or down to stop recording.It's as simple as that.Secretly record your meetings.Secretly record your conversations.Secretly record anything you want.Start the app. After that, do anything you want with yourdevice.Open another app. Do ANYTHING you want. While the app isrunning inthe background, every time you press one of the volumebuttons, theapp will start/stop recording using your device'smicrophone.You can turn your device's screen off and stillstart/stoprecording by pressing the volume buttons.When recording is started, the device will vibrate briefly forasingle time.When recording is stopped, the device will vibrate briefly3consecutive times.You can disable this behavior (on the PRO version), but it'snotrecommended since you may forget the app running in thebackgroundand start recording.The app records the audio in Hi-Quality / Hi-Fidelity bydefault.You can choose to use lower sample rates to reduce thefile size ofthe recordings, but the quality will also be lower.Test it anddecide by yourself.----------PERMISSIONSPrevent phone from sleeping - necessary to be able tostartrecording after the screen is turned off.Vibration - necessary in case the user wants the phone tovibratewhen a recording is started/stopped.Record Audio - Obviously, it's necessary to be able to recordaudio:-).Write External Storage - necessary to be able to save theaudiofiles recorded using the app.Internet access - necessary to be able to show ads(unfortunatelythey are necessary to make the free version of theapp viable).----------Still to come on the next releases:- encryption on the audio files recorded using the app.- sharing options: email, Dropbox, Google Drive.----------Download the free app and test it yourself. After that, thinkaboutgetting the PRO version. On the PRO version:- No ads are shown.- You can password protect the app and your secretrecordings.- There is no limit on the length of the recordings (on thefreeversion of the app, the recordings can have only up to 2minutes inlength)- You can disable the vibration when the appstarts/stopsrecording.- You can disable the messages displayed when the appstarts/stopsrecording.----------You may be looking for: secret audio recorder, hiddenaudiorecorder, volume button audio recorder, volume buttonsrecorder,discrete recorder, discrete audio recorder, record usingvolumebuttons
Hand-Drawn Camera FREE
Hand-Drawn CameraAll of the images and videos you see here were taken usingtheapp. This is the best and most realistic sketch andcartooncreating app available on Google Play. Download it and checkitout.Create hand-drawn and comic book looking PHOTOS and VIDEOS(videorecording available on the PRO version) in REAL TIME withyourcamera! Publish it on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter... whereveryouwant.Transform any photo, image or video (video editing availableonthe PRO version) you ever recorded into a sketch, comic book,orjapanese manga like work of art.Record videos (on the PRO version) and apply cool visualeffectsto it in real time! Unlike other apps that try to let yourecordvideos in real-time, Hand-Drawn Camera lets you choosetheresolution of the video, so that even low-end devices canrecordvideos in real-time. The more powerful your device is, thebetterthe video quality will be.Record videos in high-definition using your camera andpostprocess it into a high-definition hand-drawn cartoon likevideo.Any device can do it, not just high-end devices. The morepowerfulyour device is, the faster the video will be processed.You can adjust the thickness of the pencil's strokeswhilerecording a video or taking a photo, making a minimalistdrawing ora more detailed image.You can create colored or black and white drawings.Enable or disable flash while recording your videos ortakingphotos. You can even enable flash to use the app as alantern:-)The app is installed on the SD Card (if it's available), andthevideos are also saved to the external memory in order to savespaceon the internal memory of your device.The videos are recorded on mp4, and any android device shouldbeable to play it without any problems. If you ever have anytroubleplaying the videos, install MX Player. It's the best videoplayerfor android and it's FREE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CURRENTLY WORKING ON:+ More filters (any suggestion is greatly appreciated)+ Localization to other countries>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tips+ Pictures and Videos are stored on the SD card, insidethefolder "HandDrawnCamera"+ If the recording does not run smoothly try lowering thevideoresolution+ Some effects require a device with high processing powertocreate videos with a high FPS rate. Any device can record videosinreal time, but lower end devices will get low FPS rates. Topostprocess a video and apply an effect to it, the device'sprocessingpower will affect the amount of time necessary to doit.+ You can also play the recorded videos on a PC/MAC. Thevideosare recorded on standard mp4 format, and any video playermust beable to play it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PERMISSIONS:INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: on the free version,it'snecessary to display the the ads that make it possible.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to save the pictures on the SD card.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The video recording is done using FFmpeg. It's licensed undertheLGPLv2.1 and its source can be Drawn Camera
Data Enabler for Android 5.0+ 1.0
Data Enabler for Android 5.0+ PRO NO ROOT REQUIRED The PRO versionhas no ads whatsoever. On Android 5.0 Lollipop, all of the: mobiledata switch mobile data toggle 2g 4g 3g data enabler mobile dataenable disable apps on Google Play stopped working. Now, the userhave to slide the screen all the way down TWO times and then touchit TWO MORE TIMES to be able to enable or disable mobile data. THATIS A WASTE OF TIME !!! This app makes this procces a lot faster bytaking you right to the data settings screen. No more slides andunnecessary touches. It behaves as close as you can to a WIDGET onAndroid 5.0 Lollipop, but it's not one. Bear in mind that widgetsare not allowed to change data settings on Android 5+. Let's justhope that Google changes this decision on the next versions ofAndroid, such as 5.0.1, 5.0.2 etc. The only permission the appneeds is to install a shortcut (for the app itself) on the homescreen of the device, so that you can enable / disable your mobiledata connection as fast as possible. Icon based on an originaldesign created by Cryssac Franson Aldo.E Bengalure, Karnataka, IN2014 from the Noun Project
Fast Standard Reply Button 1.0
Fast Standard Reply ButtonThis app creates a button that is always visible, no matterwhatapp you are using at the moment. When you click it, you canchooseone of the answers you always send, and clicking on it willcopythe answer to your clipboard.My main goal when creating this app was to create thebest,easiest and fastest way possible to use on my day to daycustomersupport, that I need to give to the users of my apps. Ihave morethan 70 apps published on Google Play, and I receive morethan 50emails daily. I'm an individual developer, and besides myapps, Ihave my 9 to 5 job.So, after testing a lot of apps available for customersupport,clipboard managers and the like, I decided that the onlyway to getthe perfect tool that I needed was by coding itmyself.I hope you all enjoy it.----Licenses:The app uses icons from the Prime Faces Project.
Padded MMA Record Exposer 1.03
Is Anderson Silva really that good? Can Randy Couture's 19-11 MMAcareer be as impressive as Jon 'Bones' Jones impeccable record?"Padded MMA Record Exposer" is an app to find out the truth behindthose pretty shiny "perfect" MMA records you see on newcomers ofthe major leagues like the UFC or Strikeforce, or even on therecords of veterans of the regional circuit. I developed this appto help me gather information about whether a fighter was the realdeal or not, and as a way to reach a final decision about putting abet on a relatively unknown fighter. Is that perfect 20-0 recordreally impressive? What if the average opponent beaten by this guywins 2 fights out of 10? Or what if he wins against guys with lessthan 0.50 records, but loses to guys who win five or more out of10? Just insert the name of an MMA fighter and the app will searchthe internet to find his/her record. The app can also compare tworecords side by side, giving the user an easy way to see how thenumbers tell two fighters match against each other. The user cananalyse a fighter's record based on his whole career, or onlytaking into consideration the last 1, 2, 3 or whatever years backfrom today. This is intended to capture a view of the fighter'srecent performance and quality of opposition. I intend on updatingthe app regularly with other features to help the decision makingprocess of wannabe mma gamblers who, like me, need all the helpthey can get :-).
The Life of Jesus - E. Renan 1.0
The Life of Jesus, by Ernest Renan. The Complete Book, FREE.--------------------------------------- In this classic work,renowned rationalist and scholar of religion Ernest Renan is thefirst biographer of Jesus to present him as entirely human. Renandescribes Jesus as a popular religious leader and self-proclaimedMessiah who increasingly advocated the overthrow of Roman rule andthe establishment of a theocracy. To support his apocalypticvision, Renan's Jesus was not above using trickery and deception,as in the raising of Lazarus. The impression left by Jesus on hisdisciples was so profound that they began to proclaim hisResurrection and presence among them shortly after his death. Evenconceding Christ's historicity, it is still seriously debated bymodern biblical scholars whether a reliable life of Jesus can begleaned from the gospels. For this very reason, the questionsraised by Renan a century ago about the facts surrounding Jesus'life and the authorship of the gospels are still far from settled."The Life of Jesus" has provoked both controversy and praise sinceits publication in 1863. ---------------------- Looking for ebooks?Look my other classic books published on Google PLay.
Pollyanna - Eleanor H. Porter 1.0
The Complete Book, 1st Edition 1913 - FREE--------------------------------------- Pollyanna is a best-selling1913 novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic ofchildren's literature, with the title character's name becoming apopular term for someone with the same optimistic outlook. The bookwas such a success that Porter soon produced a sequel, PollyannaGrows Up (1915). Eleven more Pollyanna sequels, known as "GladBooks", were later published, most of them written by ElizabethBorton or Harriet Lummis Smith. Further sequels followed, includingPollyanna Plays the Game by Colleen L. Reece, published in 1997.Pollyanna has been adapted for film several times. Some of thebest-known include Disney's 1960 version starring child actressHayley Mills, who won a special Oscar for the role, and the 1920version starring Mary Pickford. ---------------------- Looking forebooks? Look my other classic books published on Google PLay.
Livro dos Espir - COLABORADOR 3.0
Esta é a versão de COLABORADOR do livro "OLivro dos Espiritos". Não são exibidas propagandas na parte debaixo da tela nesta versão. PAZ.--------------------------------------------------Esta app trás o livro completo base da doutrina espírita, semnecessidade da instalação de nenhum outro programa para a leiturado ebook.--------------------------------------------------O Livro dos Espiritos, por Allan Kardec.Filosofia EspiritualistaContendo os princípios da Doutrina Espírita sobre a imortalidadeda alma, a natureza dos Espíritos e suas relações com os homens, asleis morais, a vida presente, a vida futura e o porvir dahumanidade – segundo o ensinamento dos Espíritos superiores,através de diversos médiuns, recebidos e ordenados por AllanKardec.--------------------------------------------------Procurando e-book? Confira também meus outros ebooks.
Mp3 Player for OneDrive 2.0
Play your mp3's saved on Microsoft'sOneDrivecloud service.Stream your music sequentially, on a "folder is theplaylist"based approach.I was tired of trying to listen to my 33 gigs of music savedonOne Drive, only to find that all of the apps available onGooglePlay that claimed to be able to do that, in fact couldnot.My app will not freeze or stop unexpectedly like theotheroptions available on Google Play (at least it did not onmytests).If you are old school like me and still prefers to listen toYOURmusic instead of using Spotify and the like, "Mp3 PlayerforOneDrive" is your app.The app will play any kind of audio file: mp3, wav, flac,wma,ogg, etc.Still to come on the next updates of the app: supportforstreaming audio from Google Drive, Drop Box and Mega. I reallywishto turn this app on a complete cloud player, but with me beingaone man company, and having my regular 9 to 5 job to gotoeveryday, the services will have to come one by one. Thefirstversion of the app focuses on One Drive because it's thecloudservice I use to host my own mp3 files, and after testingeverycloud player there is on Google Play, I noticed that not asingleone of them works reliably with OneDrive.----------------DISCLAIMER: I'm not affiliated at all with Microsoft. Thisappuses software distributed freely by Microsoft in order toaccessOneDrive. It's just a work of love. All rights relativewithOneDrive are the sole property of Microsoft Corporation.
The Secret of Success - DONATE 2.0
This is the DONATE version of the book TheSecret of Success. Buy this version if you want to help me publishother classic self improvement books here on Google Play. On theDONATE version no ads are shown.--------------------------------The book that was the main source of inspiration for RhondaByrne's "The Secret", FREE, unedited, 1st edition 1907----------------------------"The Secret of Success" is an important motivational bookwritten by author William Walker Atkinson. Atkinson teaches in thiswork that individuality is inherent in each of us, and which may bedeveloped and brought into activity in each one of us if we goabout it right. Individuality is the expression of our Self - thatSelf which is what we mean when we say "I." Each of us is anIndividual - an "I" - differing from every other "I" in theuniverse, so far as personal expression is concerned. And in themeasure that we express and unfold the powers of that "I," so arewe great, strong and successful. We all "have it in us" - itdepends upon us to get it out into Expression. And, this IndividualExpression lies at the heart of the "Secret of Success." And thatis why we use the term - and that is what we shall tell you aboutin this little book. It will pay for you to learn this"Secret."----------------------About the AuthorWilliam Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932)was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as anoccultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. Heis also known to have been the author of the pseudonymous worksattributed to Theron Q. Dumont and Yogi Ramacharaka.Due in part to Atkinson's intense personal secrecy and extensiveuse of pseudonyms, he is now largely forgotten, despite havingwritten more than 100 books in the last 30 years of his life. (Heobtained mention in past editions of Who's Who in America,Religious Leaders of America, and several similar publications—-butthese are mostly subscription based, and reflect more on his desireto be known than his contemporary fame.) His works have remained inprint more or less continuously since 1900.---------------------Looking for ebooks? Check out the other classic books wepublished for FREE on Google Play,
Texas Penal Code FREE 1.0
Complete. FREE. The Texas Penal Code, FREE, on your Android device.You can search for a section. You can search for a word. You canhighlight a section or any part of the text with a single touch onthe screen. Perfect for law students, lawyers, cops, or any citizenreally. Paper and pen are the past.----------------------------------- Looking for free ebooks? Checkout the other classic books we have published on Google Play.
The Divine Comedy FREE BOOK 1.0
The Complete Book, translated to english by HENRY WADSWORTHLONGFELLOW (1807-1882) - FREE-------------------------------------- The Divine Comedy (Italian:Divina Commedia, Spanish: La Divina Comedia, Portuguese: A DivinaComédia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308and his death in 1321. It is widely considered the preeminent workof Italian literature, and is seen as one of the greatest works ofworld literature. The poem's imaginative and allegorical vision ofthe afterlife is a culmination of the medieval world-view as it haddeveloped in the Western Church. It helped establish the Tuscandialect, in which it is written, as the standardized Italianlanguage. It is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, andParadiso. On the surface, the poem describes Dante's travelsthrough Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven; but at a deeper level, itrepresents allegorically the soul's journey towards God. At thisdeeper level, Dante draws on medieval Christian theology andphilosophy, especially Thomistic philosophy and the SummaTheologica of Thomas Aquinas. Consequently, the Divine Comedy hasbeen called "the Summa in verse." The work was originally simplytitled Comedìa and was later christened Divina by GiovanniBoccaccio. The first printed edition to add the word divine to thetitle was that of the Venetian humanist Lodovico Dolce, publishedin 1555 by Gabriele Giolito de' Ferrari. ----------------------Looking for ebooks? Look my other classic books published on GooglePLay.
Funny Random Pick Up Lines 2.0
A real man should always be ready to start a conversation with theladies!!! Never be out of lines again. This app is very simple andstraight forward. Click the button, get a new pickup line. Thegirls can't resist a guy that knows how to approach them. Justremember: be funny and confident. Being rich also helps, but thisapp is a good start.
New York Penal Code FREE 1.0
Complete. FREE. The New York Penal Code, FREE, on your Androiddevice. You can search for a section. You can search for a word.You can highlight a section or any part of the text with a singletouch on the screen. Perfect for law students, lawyers, cops, orany citizen really. Paper and pen are the past.----------------------------------- Looking for free ebooks? Checkout the other classic books we have published on Google Play.
Código Tributário GRÁTIS 3.0
Código Tributário Nacional Brasileiro GRÁTIS FREE, com todas asalterações. Atualizado continuamente. Muito útil para advogados,estudantes e concurseiros. Funções: Pesquisa, retorna ao últimoponto de leitura, zoom in, zoom out, toque em um artigo ouparágrafo simula caneta marca-texto, totalmente GRÁTIS, FREE CódigoTributário Nacional brasileiro otimizado para estudar paraconcursos públicos. Toque em um artigo ou parágrafo faz com que otexto fique destacado. Muito melhor e mais fácil do que estudarleis com papel e caneta. Experimente. Codigo Tributario gratis------------------------ Procurando por ebooks? Dê uma olhada nosoutros livros clássicos e material de estudos para concurso públicoque temos publicados no Google Play.
O que é o Espiritismo PRO 1.0
O que é o Espiritismo - VERSÃO DE COLABORADOR Esta é versão deColaborador. Nela não são exibidos anúncios. Esta app trás o livrocompleto base da doutrina espírita, sem necessidade da instalaçãode nenhum outro programa para a leitura do ebook.-------------------------------------------------- O que é oEspiritismo, por Allan Kardec As pessoas que não têm do Espiritismosenão um conhecimento superficial, são naturalmente levadas a fazercertas indagações, às quais um estudo completo lhes daria, semdúvida, a solução. Mas o tempo e, freqüentemente, a vontade, lhesfaltam para se consagrarem às observações continuadas. Quereriam,antes de empreender essa tarefa, saber ao menos do que se trata ese vale a pena dela se ocuparem. Pareceu-nos útil, pois,apresentar, em um quadro restrito, a resposta a algumas dasquestões fundamentais que nos são diariamente dirigidas. Isso será,para o leitor, uma primeira iniciação e, para nós, tempo ganho peladispensa de repetir constantemente a mesma coisa. O primeirocapítulo contém, sob a forma de diálogos, respostas às objeçõesmais comuns da parte daqueles que ignoram os primeiros fundamentosda Doutrina, assim como a refutação dos principais argumentos dosseus opositores. Essa forma nos pareceu mais conveniente, porquenão tem a aridez da forma dogmática. O segundo capítulo éconsagrado à exposição sumária das partes da ciência prática eexperimental, sobre as quais, na falta de uma instrução completa, oobservador novato deve dirigir sua atenção para julgar comconhecimento de causa. É de alguma forma o resumo de O Livro dosMédiuns. As objeções nascem, o mais freqüentemente, de idéiasfalsas que são feitas, a priori, sobre o que não se conhece.Corrigir essas idéias é antecipar-se às objeções: tal é o objetodeste pequeno escrito. O terceiro capítulo pode ser consideradocomo o resumo de O Livro dos Espíritos. É a solução, pela DoutrinaEspírita, de um certo número de problemas do mais alto interesse deordem psicológica, moral e filosófica, que são colocadosdiariamente, e aos quais nenhuma filosofia deu, ainda, soluçõessatisfatórias. Que se procure resolvê-los por outra teoria, e sem achave que nos oferece o Espiritismo, e ver-se-á que elas são asrespostas mais lógicas e que melhor satisfazem à razão. Este resumonão é somente útil para os iniciantes que poderão nele, em poucotempo e sem muito esforço, haurir as noções mais essenciais, mastambém o é para os adeptos aos quais ele fornece os meios pararesponder às primeiras objeções que não deixam de lhe fazer, e, deoutra parte, porque aqui encontrarão reunidos, em um quadrorestrito, e sob um mesmo exame, os princípios que eles não devemjamais perder de vista. Para responder, desde agora e sumariamente,à questão formulada no título deste opúsculo, nós diremos que: OEspiritismo é ao mesmo tempo uma ciência de observação e umadoutrina filosófica. Como ciência prática, ele consiste nasrelações que se podem estabelecer com os Espíritos; como filosofia,ele compreende todas as conseqüências morais que decorrem dessasrelações. Pode-se defini-lo assim: O Espiritismo é uma ciência quetrata da natureza, da origem e da destinação dos Espíritos, e dassuas relações com o mundo corporal.-------------------------------------------------- Procurandoe-book? Confira também meus outros ebooks.
Learn to Read Minds FREE BOOK 2.0
Learn how to read thoughts. The complete book, FREE. WilliamWalkerAtkinson was an influential member of the New Thoughtmovement. Hewas one of the first people to write about the Law ofAttraction.Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret thatone's positivethoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth,health, andhappiness, Atkinson already knew it. Mind Reading is nota magictrick, it's a fact - and this book teaches you exactly howto doit. Practical Mind Reading deals with all aspects of mindreading,thought transference, telepathy, mind currents from oneperson toanother, mental rapport between individuals and much, muchmore.Throughout there is an underscoring of practical application.Evenif you are not interested in the practical aspects, mindreadingand thought transference are still fascinating subjects toreadabout. The author, WIlliam Walker Atkinson, has based his textonscientific tests, experiments and research which providepracticalproofs. Provided also are exercises to enable you todevelop yourmind reading and thought transference abilities. Alsoexplained areexactly how to perform simple and more difficultpracticaldemonstrations. As the author says, `Any one may develophimself,or herself, into a good contact Mind Reader by practiceandperseverance.` Even if you do not intend to practice mindreadingand never intend to give mind reading demonstrations inprivate orpublic, you will still learn much about the latentabilities thatmany of us fail to use in everyday life. But if youdo have aninterest in how to become a mind reader, this is just thebook foryou. It is full of practical directions and clearinstructions onhow to achieve success. Although this book waswritten years ago,the text still sounds fresh and contemporary. Theexplanations ofmental laws and processes are clear and concise andthe exercisesare simple and effective.----------------------------------Looking for ebooks? Check out theother classic books we publishedon Google Play.
Shake Screen On Off FREE 4.1-SSOOF
Turn your screen on and off by simply shaking your phone.Avoidbreaking your power button. Just shake your phone and lockorunlock it. IT WILL NOT DRAIN YOUR BATTERY. On device's uptoAndroid KitKat 4.4, the battery consumption should be minimal.Ondevice's running Android 5+, due to an Android bug, there willbemore battery being used, but it still should not be a hugeamount.I did all I could to make the app work on Android 5+, and soIrather make it work, even if more battery is necessary to keepitworking. My main focus when I implemented the app was onnotdraining the battery, and it won't. Let it run for a day andthencheck the app's battery consumption. It should be minimal(asopposed to other "Shake to turn the screen on and off" and"Shaketo Lock and Unlock" apps on Google Play. This is the FREEversionof the app. On the PRO version, you can do everything youcan do onthe FREE version, plus: 1 - no ads are displayed. 2 - theuser canchoose to start the app automatically after the device isturnedon. 3 - the app can be set to unlock the screen automaticallywhenthe screen is turned back on. 4 - the app can use theproximitysensor to avoid accidentally turning on the screen whenthe deviceis on a pocket, for instance. 5 - The device can be setto vibrateevery time the screen is turned on oroff.------------------------- UNINSTALLATION-------------------------Due to the fact that the app needs adminprivileges to run, if youwant to uninstall it you must do it byclicking on the uninstallbutton inside the app. If you try touninstall the app using thestandard Android App Manager, theuninstall button will bedisabled. Just remember that to uninstallthe app, you must accessthe app itself. ---------------------COMPATIBILITY--------------------- Unfortunately, on some devicesthe app willnot be able to turn the screen back on (when the usershakes thephone) after the screen is turned off. It's a hardwarelimitationof these devices, and there is nothing that can be doneon thesoftware side to avoid it. For instance, I've tested the appon the'LG Nexus 4' and it works flawlessly; on the other hand, onthe'Samsung Galaxy Ace' the accelerometer sensors are turned offthemoment the screen goes off. If that is the case on yourdevice,please send me an email (there is a button on the app to doit)explaining what is happening on your specific case. The appwilladd the model and manufacturer of your device to the body ofyouremail (please do not erase this information) and I will removeyourdevice from the list of available devices on Google Play. Thankyouvery much for your help! ---------------------PERMISSIONS--------------------- Prevent phone from sleeping -necessary towake the phone up after it's screen is turned off. Viewnetworkconnections and full network access - only necessary on theFREEversion, to be able to show ads (non-intrusive ads, onlydisplayedwhen the user open the main screen of the app). This appuses theDevice Administrator permission in order to be able to lockandunlock the device when you shake it. Icon based on anoriginaldesign by Timo Arnall, licensed under a CreativeCommonsAttribution License. Acessible (on september 2013)at: very much Timo.
Beowulf FULL BOOK FREE 1.0
The complete book, FREE ----------------------------------- TheTaleof Beowulf Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder GeatsTranslatedby William Morris and A.J.Wyatt Beowulf (play/ˈbeɪ.ɵwʊlf/; in OldEnglish [ˈbeːo̯wʊlf] or [ˈbeːəwʊlf]) is theconventional title of anOld English heroic epic poem consisting of3182 alliterative longlines, set in Scandinavia, commonly cited asone of the mostimportant works of Anglo-Saxon literature. Itsurvives in a singlemanuscript known as the Nowell Codex. Itscomposition by ananonymous Anglo-Saxon poet is dated between the8th and the early11th century. In 1731, the manuscript was badlydamaged by a firethat swept through a building housing acollection of Medievalmanuscripts assembled by Sir Robert BruceCotton. The poem fell intoobscurity for decades, and its existencedid not become widely knownagain until it was printed in 1815 inan edition prepared by theIcelandic-Danish scholar Grímur JónssonThorkelin. In the poem,Beowulf, a hero of the Geats inScandinavia, comes to the help ofHroðgar, the king of the Danes,whose mead hall (Heorot) has beenunder attack by a being known asGrendel. After Beowulf slays him,Grendel's mother attacks the halland is then also defeated.Victorious, Beowulf goes home toGeatland in Sweden and laterbecomes king of the Geats. After aperiod of fifty years has passed,Beowulf defeats a dragon, but isfatally wounded in the battle.After his death, his attendants buryhim in a tumulus, a burialmound, in Geatland.---------------------- Looking for free ebooks?Check out the otherclassic books we published on Google Play.
Código Civil Brasileiro GRÁTIS 5.0
Codigo Civil do Brasil, com todas as alterações. Textocompilado.Atualizado continuamente.----------------------------------- Aconcorrência está postandocomentários ruins nos nossos apps poiseles são GRATUITOS e os delessão PAGOS. Baixe, teste e poste umcomentário. Obrigado.----------------------------------- Muitoútil para advogados,estudantes e concurseiros. Funções: Pesquisa,retorna ao últimoponto de leitura, zoom in, zoom out, toque em umartigo ou parágrafosimula caneta marca-texto, totalmente GRÁTIS,FREE Código CivilBrasileiro otimizado para estudar para concursospúblicos. Toque emum artigo ou parágrafo faz com que o texto fiquedestacado. Muitomelhor e mais fácil do que estudar com papel ecaneta. Experimente.------------------------ Procurando porebooks? Dê uma olhada nosoutros livros clássicos e material deestudos para concurso públicoque temos publicados no Google Play.------------------- O atualCódigo Civil Brasileiro (Lei 10.406 de10 de janeiro de 2002)encontra-se em vigor desde 11 de janeiro de2003, após o cumprimentode sua vacatio legis de um ano. O atualCódigo Civil substituiu oprimeiro Código Civil brasileiro — Lei nº3.071, de 1º de janeiro de1916 —, que entrou em vigor em 1917,após quinze anos de discussãono Congresso brasileiro. Desde aConstituição Brasileira de 1824previam-se dois códigos, o Civil eo Criminal, mas apenas o segundofoi concretizado. Após aindependência do Brasil, permaneceu emvigor a legislaçãoportuguesa, que correspondia às OrdenaçõesFilipinas. Houve, pelomenos, quatro tentativas de elaboração doCódigo Civil: Em 1845, oBarão de Penedo apresentou seu Da RevisãoGeral e Codificação dasLeis Civis e do Processo no Brazil; Em 1864,o Esboço inacabado deAugusto Teixeira de Freitas, que não chegou aser aprovado, masserviu de base para os códigos civis do Uruguai eda Argentina; Em1881, o projeto Felício dos Santos e Em 1890, oprojeto CoelhoRodrigues. Finalmente, sob a presidência de CamposSales e aconvite de seu amigo de congregação da Faculdade deDireito doRecife, o Ministro da Justiça Epitácio Pessoa, ClóvisBeviláquaapresenta, após seis meses de trabalho, seu projeto deCódigo Civilem 1901. Duramente criticado por Rui Barbosa e porvários juristasda época, como Inglês de Sousa e Torres Neto, otrabalho deBeviláqua foi fortemente influenciado pelo Código Civilalemão(BGB) e sofreu várias alterações até sua aprovação, em 1916.Apósdiversas tentativas de elaboração de novos códigos, comooAnteprojeto de Código das Obrigações de Orozimbo Nonato,FiladelfoAzevedo e Hannemann Guimarães da década de 1940, e o deCaio Márioda Silva Pereira, de 1963, uma comissão encabeçada porMiguelReale, formada em 1969 durante a ditadura, publica em 1973 oseuAnteprojeto de Código Civil, fortemente influenciado peloCódigoCivil italiano, trabalho este que é encaminhado pelo GovernoaoCongresso Nacional, onde se transforma no Projeto de Lei n.º634,de 1975. A evolução do texto do projeto nos vinte e sete anosemque tramitou no Congresso Nacional pode ser consultada naobraMemória Legislativa do Código Civil. Algumas décadas depois,sob apresidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, o Congresso retoma oseuexame e o aprova, em 2002.